Monday, September 1, 2014

photographer who visited the complex

Fajr Libya members said they had gone in to secure the complex of several villas in southern Tripoli, not far from the airport, to prevent it from being looted. US Ambassador Deborah Jones, now posted in Malta, said on Twitter that there was no indication the complex had been damaged. An AFP photographer who visited the complex spotted no damage apart from some shrapnel scars on an exterior barbed wire-topped wall. "We have called on diplomatic missions to return to Tripoli, and, until that happens, we're here to secure the locations," said a militiaman posted at the US embassy.
Libya has been sliding into chaos since Moamer Kadhafi was overthrown and killed three years ago, with interim authorities confronting powerful militias which fought to oust the veteran dictator. The government announced last week it had tendered its resignation to parliament, days after a rival Islamist administration was created. The parliament, which was elected in June, and the government are operating out of eastern Libya for security reasons.

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